General School Information
SCHOOL HOURS: 8:20 AM – 3:15 PM (M-Th) 8:20 AM---2:15 PM (F)
*Students not eating breakfast should not be at school before 8:10 AM and will not be allowed in the building until 8:20 AM if the weather is not inclement.
RECESSES: 10:00 AM-10:15 AM (M-F) 1:45 PM-2:00 PM (M-Th)
LUNCHES; 11:25 AM-12:00 PM (Gr. K-2)
11:45 PM-12:10 PM (Gr. 3-6)
**Please call the school at 1 (406) 357-4164, message, or email the classroom teacher if your child is going to be absent. **
Our Academics
At Zurich Elementary School, we believe in combining traditional teaching methods that have been proven to work with new research-based techniques. In our multigrade classrooms students learn how to be independent learners and how to help aid others in their learning.
Literacy & Phonics
At Zurich we place an emphasis on reading skills. We work hard with each student so they can become confident independent readers.
Students learn concepts in Life, Physical, and Earth science, and follow up with exploratory learning through experiments/labs. We also love doing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mechanics) activities.
Writing & Grammar
It is important to be able to communicate clearly and expressing your ideas with others is essential. To help with this life skill, we teach writing both writing and grammar skills.
Social Studies
Each grade focuses on a different component of Social Studies. Younger grades learn about their community and citizenship. Older grades study World, American, and Montana History.
Math is an integral part of our daily lives. We do our best to make sure your children gain the mathematical skills and problem-solving abilities to help them to help them in all professions.
Being a small school means that our teachers and aides teach our specials. Every week we have Physical Education, Music, Art, Keyboarding, and Computer Skills.
Grading Scale
Students in grades K will use the following scale:
S+ = Above Satisfactory S= Satisfactory
S- = Below Satisfactory U= Unsatisfactory
The following grade scale is used for grades 1-8:
A = 97-100%
A-= 94-96%
B+ =92-93%
B = 89-91%
C+ =84-86%
C = 80-83%
D+ =73-76%
D = 69-72%
F = 0- 64%
+ = Outstanding S = Satisfactory √= Improvement Needed I = Improving