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Welcome from the 3rd - 6th classroom. I believe that school should teach students life skills, along with teaching them to be prepared for any career they may choose. To reach this goal I cover all subjects every day, and find ways to teach them skills such as responsibility, independence, and working with others. 

Classroom- Homework

Students will have homework to help them learn responsibility. I try my best to assign work that can be completed in school, but if it is not completed, it will be sent home to finish.

Students are expected study for tests. A review is sent home the day before a test for most subjects. Spelling- list will be handed out on Monday and the test will be on Friday.


Classroom Money

Students work hard each day, so I pay them for it, with classroom money. During the school, they have opportunities to earn or spend money. For Holidays we have stores, where they sell products and buy from their peers. An auction at the end of the year lets them spend all their money or save some for next year.

It is a fun, meaningful way to introduce students to economics.

Nightly Reading

Students are required to read every night for the following amount.      3rd= 15 minutes     

       4th= 20 minutes     5th & 6th= 30 minutes

~This time can include time working on homework, but the student has to be working.

~Students can also read extra to make up any missing minutes/days. 

~If students have extra time in the classroom, and ask me, they can read for time in there.

After reading they need to fill in a reading log.


This is a review tool we use weekly. Please make sure your students have set up an account ASAP, and give me the login information so I can have them join our online classroom. NOTE: if you link it to your google account, students often have problems with it.

Log in to Quizlet | Quizlet 


Forgot your Reading Log at school?

Below are links to the Discipline and Procedures for the classroom. A copy of all were sent home at the start of school.


Quarterly News

News just about our classroom, make sure you check the Calendar and News & Events tabs for important dates.

Supply List for 2024-2025



Feel free to email me any time and I will check it when I have time. If it is an emergency, call the school.

school: 1(406)-357-4164

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